
Q1) This question is related to item 3 "Active Travel Fund"

My understanding is that the amount of funding approved by Active Travel England for "Active Travel Fund tranche 4" is lower than hoped due to some proposed applications not being of high enough quality, and previously approved schemes not being finished, or constructed to standard.

However, the actual facts are very opaque. To note, there is an open Freedom of Information request for information that hasn't been responded to. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/active_travel_england_active_tra

People really shouldn't have to submit FOI requests for this information.

Will WECA commit to publishing details of applications for funding for Active Travel England, including for each proposed application:

and to keep that published information up-to-date?

If people in Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council are for some reason losing out on central government funding, we need to know why, so the problem can be fixed.

cheers Dan Ackroyd